177 research outputs found

    Penguatan Calon Guru Sebagai Peneliti Di Jurusan Pendidikan Agama Islam Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah Dan Keguruan UIN Sunan Kalijaga YOGYAKARTA

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    This article is the result of individual study aims to present a clear description of the final project completion governance/skripsi at the Department of Islamic Education. Governance is meant strengthening step for prospective teachers as researchers reach the majors profile. Setting the location of PAI students who are completing the final task in the 2012/2013 academic year. After the participant observation, in-depth interviews and qualitative analysis, it is concluded as follows. First, the completion of the final project pursued through the five stages (a ) administrative requirements, (b) seminar proposals, (c) writing, (d) munaqasyah, and (e) evaluation. Second, the strengthening of prospective teachers as researchers pursued through strengthening measures (a) the implementation of governance through independent study, (b) guiding thesis supervisor through the establishment of appropriate science and expertise, (c) the selection of a theme/ title by giving students the opportunity to submit theme studies according to their interests, (d) institutional support/ reference in the form of optimizing the use of instruments, distribution of handbooks, guidance card control, provision of literature, (e) peer support group through a jigsaw

    VITALISASI SEKOLAH BERBASIS MODAL SOSIAL (Studi Kasus Penguatan Sekolah melalui Integrasi Modal Sosial dalam Kepemimpinan Sekolah di SMP Diponegoro Depok Sleman)

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    This study aims at finding the potential and the actuality of social capital in school leadership to improve the school vitality. This study was conducted by means of naturalistic qualitative approach. The setting was Diponegoro the private junior high schools in Sleman Regency. The subjects consisted of case of school established through purposive sampling techniques. The research procedure consisted of four steps by means of data collection methods in the form of observation, in-depth interviews, and document study. The data were using by inductive models, while the validity of the result met the criteria of credibility, transferability, dependability and conformability. The research findings are as follows. First,(a) the school social capital was using for improving the school vitality in the network elements, reciprocal relationship, mutual aid and trust. (b) The using of school social capital indicated the models of bridging and bonding the network elements, reciprocal relationship, mutual aid and trust. (c) The integration of social capital in school leadership could be seen from the school integrity in the academic development, human resources, funding system and the local contents. (d) The reason of utilizing the social capital was based on such values as silaturahim and syafaat in school leadership

    Implementasi Konsep Tauhid Sosial M. Amien Rais Di SMA Internasional Budi Mulia Dua YOGYAKARTA

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    Islam religion has been taught to the students since they are in junior high school, but the juvenile delinquency still often happens. Based on M. Amien Rais, social tawhid is needed to be solution of the problem above. Budi Mulia Dua Yogyakarta International Senior High School is one of many schools that is built by M. Amien Rais which has been doing the implementation of the social tauchid concept. Based on M. Amien Rais, social tawhid means a social dimension from tauhīdullāh (to a knowledge the oneness of God). The implementation of the social tawhid concept of M. Amien Rais in Budi Mulia Dua Yogyakarta International Senior High School could be seen from the arrangement of the perspective an the mission of the school. Then it is applied in extracurricular activity and is evaluated by meeting session. Some of the extracurriculars that apply the social tawhid mission are social volunteer, the distribution of Qurban's meat, tithe institute and flea market

    Pengembangan Kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam Pada Pendidikan Tinggi

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    This study aims at finding the development of Islamic education curriculum in higher education. Curriculum development conceived as an effort to develop a curriculum that refers to the Indonesian Qualifications Framework (KKNI), National Standards for Higher Education (SNPT), and Paradigm Integration-Interconnection Studies as the orientation of scientific development at UIN Sunan Kalijaga. This study was conducted by means of naturalistic qualitative approach. The location of this study was at the Department of Islamic Religious Educatioan of Faculty of Islamic Education and Teaching UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. The subjects consisted of cases which are selected by purposive sampling techniques. The study procedure of collecting data consisted of four steps: observation, in-depth interviews, and document study. The data were analyzed using inductive models, while the validity of the result met the criteria of credibility, transferability, dependability and conformability. The research findings are as follows: first, the emphasis on curriculum development (a) clarity profile of graduates with a description of its operation. (b) The learning outcomes as an indicator graduate profile that refers to KKNI and SNPT. (c) Field studies as a strategic issue which combined with the development of the course learning outcomes, (d) Half the weight of the unit credits obtained by multiplying the depth and breadth of study material; Second, the development of the curriculum to accommodate all the requirements of a professional teacher with four competencies; pedagogical, personality, social and professional competence, plus the competence of the leadership. Third, curriculum development in PAIDepartment also stressed on the aspect of PAI consisting of Al-Qur'an Hadith, Aqidah Akhlak, Fiqh, Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam to improve the professional competence of future teachers

    Pengembangan Kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam Pada Pendidikan Tinggi

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    This study aims at finding the development of Islamic education curriculum in higher education. Curriculum development conceived as an effort to develop a curriculum that refers to the Indonesian Qualifications Framework (KKNI), National Standards for Higher Education (SNPT), and Paradigm Integration-Interconnection Studies as the orientation of scientific development at UIN Sunan Kalijaga. This study was conducted by means of naturalistic qualitative approach. The location of this study was at the Department of Islamic Religious Educatioan of Faculty of Islamic Education and Teaching UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. The subjects consisted of cases which are selected by purposive sampling techniques. The study procedure of collecting data consisted of four steps: observation, in-depth interviews, and document study. The data were analyzed using inductive models, while the validity of the result met the criteria of credibility, transferability, dependability and conformability. The research findings are as follows: first, the emphasis on curriculum development (a) clarity profile of graduates with a description of its operation. (b) The learning outcomes as an indicator graduate profile that refers to KKNI and SNPT. (c) Field studies as a strategic issue which combined with the development of the course learning outcomes, (d) Half the weight of the unit credits obtained by multiplying the depth and breadth of study material; Second, the development of the curriculum to accommodate all the requirements of a professional teacher with four competencies; pedagogical, personality, social and professional competence, plus the competence of the leadership. Third, curriculum development in PAIDepartment also stressed on the aspect of PAI consisting of Al-Qur'an Hadith, Aqidah Akhlak, Fiqh, Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam to improve the professional competence of future teachers

    Analisis Kinerja TCP/IP untuk Jaringan Nirkabel Bergerak 3G di Surabaya

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    Surabaya akan menerapkan Intelligent Transport System (ITS), yaitu sistem transportasi yang cerdas, di mana komunikasi data menjadi poin utama karena ITS berbasis pada internet. ITS menggunakan protokol TCP/IP. TCP mengoptimalkan pengiriman data yang akurat daripada ketepatan waktu. Sehingga terkadang menimbulkan keterlambatan yang panjang karena data akan ditransmisikan ulang atau menunggu pesan out-of-order. Keterlambatan transmisi data ini harus ditekan seminim mungkin agar kontinuitas pengiriman data tetap terjaga dengan baik. Analisis dibutuhkan untuk mengetahui seberapa lama keterlambatan dalam transmisi data dari provider seluler 3G. Pengukuran diambil dari beberapa provider seluler, sehingga dapat dibandingkan performansi dari masing-masing provider. Parameter yang dianalisis yaitu delay. Pengukuran dilakukan di dalam kendaraan bergerak (kereta api komuter) selama 7 hari, dengan setiap harinya terdapat 4 kali jadwal pemberangkatan. Dari hasil pengukuran pada 4 provider, didapatkan bahwa saat delay kurang dari 5000 ms nilai CDF pada provider A sebesar 75%, provider B dengan nilai CDF 81%, provider C dengan nilai CDF 90% dan provider D dengan nilai CDF 77%. Dari keempat provider, nilai CDF yang paling tinggi adalah provider C sebesar 90%. Sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai pertimbangan sistem komunikasi nirkabel bergerak pada penerapan Intelligent Transport System (ITS) untuk aplikasi mengetahui posisi kendaraan pada angkutan masal cepat, karena nilai delay toleransi sebesar 5 detik

    Analisa Penggunaan Sinyal Radar Bentuk Pulsa Dan Gelombang Kontinyu Untuk Target Bergerak Dengan Model Clutter Terdistribusi Rayleigh

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    Radar (Radio, Detection, and Ranging) mampu mendeteksi target untuk mendapatkan informasi berupa jarak, azimuth, dan kecepatan. Sinyal Radar ada dua jenis, yaitu pulsa (Pulsed Radar) dan gelombang kontinyu (Continuous Wave Radar). Pulsed Radar mempunyai prinsip kerja memancarkan sinyal pulsa dengan PRI (Pulse Repetition Interval) dan PRF (Pulse Repetition Frequency) tertentu dipancarkan dengan modulasi ke dalam sinyal sinusoidal dengan frekuensi yang lebih tinggi serta memanfaatkan delay dari setiap pulsanya untuk mendapatkan informasi dari target. Sedangkan Continuous Wave Radar mempunyai prinsip kerja memancarkan sinyal sinusoidal secara terus menerus dan memanfaatkan sinyal echo yang terdiri dari beberapa variasi frekuensi akibat adanya efek Doppler untuk mendeteksi target. Terdapat pengaruh jenis gelombang sinyal radar terhadap kemampuan deteksi radar. Model distribusi Rayleigh dipilih untuk dapat mewakili suatu kondisi lingkungan (clutter) yang bergerak dan mempunyai parameter kecepatan angin. Hasil simulasi dari kedua jenis sinyal menunjukkan bahwa pada model clutter terdistribusi Rayleigh, radar CW mempunyai kemampuan deteksi yang lebih baik pada kecepatan target yang lebih tinggi, karena mampu mendeteksi target dengan kecepatan 20-60 knots. Sedangkan radar pulsa mempunyai kemampuan deteksi yang lebih baik pada kecepatan target rendah yaitu pada kecepatan 15-55 knots. Untuk Probabilitas deteksi minimum 90%, Radar CW mempunyai ketahanan yang lebih baik terhadap noise daripada radar pulsa karena kemampuan radar pulsa terbatas pada nilai SNR 20 dB. Sedangkan radar CW mampu mendeteksi target dengan baik sampai SNR bernilai 15 dB. Sedangkan untuk deteksi terhadap kecepatan target, radar CW mempunyai hasil yang lebih akurat daripada radar pulsa


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    This study aims at finding the development of Islamic education curriculum in higher education. Curriculum development conceived as an effort to develop a curriculum that refers to the Indonesian Qualifications Framework (KKNI), National Standards for Higher Education (SNPT), and Paradigm Integration-Interconnection Studies as the orientation of scientific development at UIN Sunan Kalijaga. This study was conducted by means of naturalistic qualitative approach. The location of this study was at the Department of Islamic Religious Educatioan of Faculty of Islamic Education and Teaching UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. The subjects consisted of cases which are selected by purposive sampling techniques. The study procedure of collecting data consisted of four steps: observation, in-depth interviews, and document study. The data were analyzed using inductive models, while the validity of the result met the criteria of credibility, transferability, dependability and conformability. The research findings are as follows: first, the emphasis on curriculum development (a) clarity profile of graduates with a description of its operation. (b) The learning outcomes as an indicator graduate profile that refers to KKNI and SNPT. (c) Field studies as a strategic issue which combined with the development of the course learning outcomes, (d) Half the weight of the unit credits obtained by multiplying the depth and breadth of study material; Second, the development of the curriculum to accommodate all the requirements of a professional teacher with four competencies; pedagogical, personality, social and professional competence, plus the competence of the leadership. Third, curriculum development in PAI Department also stressed on the aspect of PAI consisting of Al-Qurā€™an Hadith, Aqidah Akhlak, Fiqh, Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam to improve the professional competence of future teachers

    VITALISASI SEKOLAH BERBASIS MODAL SOSIAL (Studi Kasus Penguatan Sekolah melalui Integrasi Modal Sosial dalam Kepemimpinan Sekolah di SMP Diponegoro Depok Sleman)

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    This study aims at finding the potential and the actuality of social capital in school leadership to improve the school vitality. This study was conducted by means of naturalistic qualitative approach. Thesetting was Diponegoro the private junior high schools in Sleman Regency. The subjects consisted of case of school established through purposive sampling techniques. The research procedure consisted of four steps by means of data collection methods in the form of observation, in-depth interviews, and document study. The data were using by inductive models, while the validity of the result met the criteria of credibility, transferability, dependability and conformability. The research findings are as follows. First,(a) the school social capital was using for improving the school vitality in the network elements, reciprocal relationship, mutual aid and trust. (b) The using of school social capital indicated the models of bridging and bonding the network elements, reciprocal relationship, mutual aid and trust. (c) The integration of social capital in school leadership could be seen from the school integrity in the academicdevelopment, human resources, funding system and the local contents. (d) The reason of utilizing the social capital was based on such values as silaturahim and syafaat in school leadership


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    This article is the result of individual study aims to present a clear description of the final project completion governance/skripsi at the Department of Islamic Education. Governance is meant strengthening step for prospective teachers as researchers reach the majors profile. Setting the location of PAI students who are completing the final task in the 2012/2013 academic year. After the participant observation, in-depth interviews and qualitative analysis, it is concluded as follows. First, the completion of the final project pursued through the five stages (a ) administrative requirements, (b) seminar proposals, (c) writing, (d) munaqasyah, and (e) evaluation. Second, the strengthening of prospective teachers as researchers pursued through strengthening measures (a) the implementation of governance through independent study, (b) guiding thesis supervisor through the establishment of appropriate science and expertise, (c) the selection of a theme/ title by giving students the opportunity to submit theme studies according to their interests, (d) institutional support/ reference in the form of optimizing the use of instruments, distribution of handbooks, guidance card control, provision of literature, (e) peer support group through a jigsaw
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